Electro music laboratory

Artist: egnouf, smao

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// I had a dream I was making music about human //

Here are all my plug-ins & Max for live patches.


&M4L Drum box

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&M4L Universal step sequencer

&M4L SRR & BRR Sequencer

Description de l'image

&M4L Step Filter

Description de l'image

&M4L MIDI Latch Box


Description de l'image


a xox sequencer with a simple user interface and efficient functions. This patch is nice & cpu friendly :-)

The sequencer is derived from the Skinner Box M4L device as I like the sequencer look & feel. The functions proposed were also very pertinent.

I also took some ideas from the Elektron Octatrack (LFOs...) and Arturia Spark looping function (Loop/Divide...).

** Use this patch with drum rack or any synth to create easily nice sounds!

Main Functions
- WRITE // easily drum lines (or melody)
- SAVE // Patterns are automatically saved and reloaded in your live set,
- FLAM // You can make sort of FLAM - LoopDivide from Arturia Spark machine.
- CHAIN // You can CHAIN Patterns (i.e. SONG mode).
- LFOs // to modulate any parameters like on the Octatrack :-)
- PRE-FILLED patterns (71 in total)
- SWING function
- TRANSPOSE function
- each parameter value (lfo, settings, midi notes...) can be saved into different presets making this plug-in very flexible and creative ;-)




an XOX Universal step sequencer to control ableton live devices.

You can drive up to 2 Ableton live parameters in a STEP SEQUENCER mode :-)

- put on a track an audio clip,
- put on the same track the M4L Universal Step Sequencer.
- choose one ableton live device (beat repeat audio effects for instance)
- click on 'map' on the M4L module and select the parameter you want to control :-)
- click on RANDOM or draw your own steps sequence.
- listen to the results :-)
- enjoy!

You can get nice surprising sequenced effects!

Main Functions
- You can control up to 2 ableton live device parameters
- You can RANDOMIZE the step sequence values,
- You can change the direction, playing forward or reverse
- You can select the speed for each row -> 1/16, 1/8, 1/32, etc.
- you can change the length of the sequence from 1 step to 16 steps.
- all the functions can be mapped on your favorite midi controller.




an XOX Sample & Bit reduction step sequencer.

The sequencer is derived from the sample rate reduction (SRR) and bit rate reduction (BRR) effects from the Octatrack.

You can get nice surprising harmonics when you set the SRR values quite down.

You can get quite dirty and noizy results when doing the same with the BRR values.

** Use this patch with a Drum or BASS loop/FX /SYNTH/PAD NOTES to create easily nice sound harmonics sequences!

Main Functions
- You can change the Sample Rate and the Bit Rate for each steps
- You can RANDOMIZE the SRR and BRR values,
- You can RANDOMIZE the steps sequence.
- secret panel



an XOX step filter sequencer that tend to simulate a very old analog step filter with a lot of characters (disto, bit reduction, sample reduction).

The sequencer is derived from the BIGSEQ plug in from Audiodamage. I also got inspired by the sample reduction (SRR) and bit reduction (BRR) effects from the Octatrack.

Be aware that you can really go deep in the filter DISTORTION.

** Use this patch with a BASS note/FX /SYNTH/PAD NOTE to create easily nice sound distortion sequence

Main Functions
- You can change the FILTER AMOUNT for each steps
- You can RANDOMIZE the filter velocity and the steps sequence.
- You can choose among SEVERAL FILTERS (LP, HP, Notch, LowShelf, etc).
- PANIC function
- secret panel
- HACK mode (SRR & BRR Octatrack alike)



a simple and nice midi latch box for your virtual instrument or sequencer :-)

I created this tool to make nice MIDI NOTES OFF effect.

** You can put this patch right after the M4L Drum Box patch, MIDI Sequencer, MIDI Files, etc...

Main Functions & Instructions
- LATCH // easily stops your midi notes, nice stop effects!
- LENGTH // you can change the length of the midi notes OFF
- PRESS // right under the live dial, you have access to several bars... that will make the midi notes OFF for a short or long period.
- REPEAT // GATE // you can mute midi notes on a regular periodic frequency.
- Each parameters can be mapped onto your favorite midi controller.



a simple and nice midi latch box for your virtual instrument or sequencer :-)

I created this tool to make nice MIDI NOTES OFF effect -> NICE SILENCE GATE EFFECTS.

** You can put this patch right after the M4L Drum Box patch, MIDI Sequencer, MIDI Files, etc...

Main Functions and Instructions
- LATCH // easily stops your midi notes, nice stop effects!
- LENGTH // you can change the length of the midi notes OFF by changing the LIVE DIAL button from short to long.
- PRESS // right under the live dial, you have access to several bars... 1, 2. 4, 8 16. By pressing those bars you will make the midi notes OFF for a short or long period. The period is combined with the live dial you previously selected (making various "silence" possibilities).
- REPEAT // you can mute midi notes on a regular periodic frequency... sort of Gate. Very nice effects on synths, bass lines, etc!
- Each parameters can be mapped onto your favorite midi controller.


